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I'm not much of a writer but I do have really weird dreams. I didn't want them to be lost in the ether like most dreams out there so I decided to put them down somewhere. You may also find the occasional thought that I deem worthy of putting up somewhere so it doesn't get lost in the aforementioned ether.

Monday, March 8, 2010

{Dream} Banshee/Vampires

I'm walking a path in a foggy forest at night. Got a gun in my hands, but I only have two bullets left. I'm tense and frightened because I know what's out there. 

Banshee/Vampires is what I'm afraid of. They look like little girls and I know they're out here in this forest with me. I also know that they appear in numbers that are equal to the ammo you have left. So I expect 2 of them to show up. It takes only one shot to the head to kill them but they move very fast and scream very loud.

There's a different kind of fear in me as well. The kind of fear where you know you're doomed, where you know you're not gonna make it out of this alive. Were I a better writer I'd say something more poetic like "the smell of death was in the air" but, alas, that's already been done and I can't think of anything original right now.

I look off to the right and see two kids a little off in the distance. A boy with jet black bowl cut hair wearing red. The other's a girl with pig-tails in a blue & white dress. I know that they're just there to distract me or make me fire my two shots. I know it's not the banshees because they tend to look more like the girl from “The Ring”.

I ignore the two and immediately see the banshees in front of me in the distance. They're on either side of the path I'm on. There was a moment of stillness all around where, it seemed like, even the foggy forest was holding its breath. My hands are shaking and I notice myself breathing heavily. They scream & charge towards me; I take two wild shots out of fear but notice that they're still coming. *woke up*

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