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I'm not much of a writer but I do have really weird dreams. I didn't want them to be lost in the ether like most dreams out there so I decided to put them down somewhere. You may also find the occasional thought that I deem worthy of putting up somewhere so it doesn't get lost in the aforementioned ether.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

{Dream} Friends & Werewolves

We're having a big overnight gathering of friends at a chalet somewhere in Dubai. Saif, Hasooni, Furat, Daoud, Rahal and several others go into the house. It feels like a chalet outing but it's in a suburban looking neighborhood. All the houses on the street look the same and they all have the same grassy front lawn.

Tonight's a full moon and Rahal & I are werewolves. The others don't know so we sneak out when they don't notice and set up the chains we brought with us. We chain ourselves to the front lawn for the night. We both start to turn but we do so quietly. My view from here on out is a 3rd person perspective of what's going on. It was like watching people getting silently tortured as we both turned. Rahal's what you would assume a werewolf looks like whereas I seem to look more like a wererat of sorts. We kept quiet through it but I noticed that Rahal's chains were getting weaker.

I see a cat run between Rahal & and I instantly know that I have to get out of these chains in order to keep Rahal from charging after the cat. We break out of our chains at almost the same time but, before I get a change to stand up, Rahal's already running on all fours after it. The cat runs up the wall of our chalet house and Rahal runs right up with it. I yell at Rahal to get down before our friends see us or before he hurts someone. * woke up *

Great, I finally get a werewolf dream and it's about me babysitting a werewolf whilst I'm just a wererat.

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